Monday, January 28, 2008

The "Loco" Locals

One of the most interesting parts of traveling throughout Madrid on the Metro is people-watching. I have learned more about Madrileños so far by just waiting in the "andénes" (Metro platforms) for my train to come. The other night, as I was waiting for a train home after a long night of dancing the salsa and bachata, I saw someone do something I didn't even know was possible. He hopped like a frog from one side of the tracks to the other, just to drunkenly say hello to some friends. I was afraid the tracks would have shocked him, but to no avail (thankfully!) After saying hola, he hopped right back, just in time to catch his train.

Another night, I was able to see first-hand the efficiency of the Madrid Polícia. As I was leaving the station to walk home, I was blocked from the exit by about 10 police. At first, I thought they were having a coffee break or donuts or something, but I soon figured out they were in the midst of an arrest of a couple. For what? I have no idea. But the guy looked extremely intoxicated while the woman looked slightly more innocent. They were escorted handcuffed out of the station, and I was finally able to go home.

So next time you have to use the public transportation system, keep your eyes wide open: you never know what crazy kinds of things you may see!!

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